Armyworm Control in Ankeny, Johnston & Urbandale, IA | ETCH Outdoor Living

Armyworm Control In Ankeny, Johnston, Urbandale, West Des Moines, Waukee, IA & Surrounding Areas

We offer preventative and curative armyworm control treatments.

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Building Beautiful Landscapes in & Around Ankeny, IA Since 2018.

Armyworm Control Service in Ankeny, Johnston, Urbandale, IA & Surrounding Cities

We can help your lawn recover from armyworm damage with our various lawn care services.

Here in Iowa, armyworms can cause serious damage to your turf if they are able to infest it. Luckily, we can help protect your lawn from these grass-munching pests via our armyworm control service. We offer preventative treatments that are designed to prevent these pests from ever infesting your lawn in the first place, so you won't have to worry about them causing damage to it. However, if your lawn is currently infested with armyworms, we offer curative treatments to eliminate them so they can't continue to cause damage to your grass. If you need our curative treatments to eliminate an armyworm infestation and your lawn suffers damage at the hands of these pests, you can take advantage of our lawn care services to help nurse your lawn back to full health.

We offer our armyworm control service to property owners in Ankeny, Johnston, Urbandale, West Des Moines, Waukee, and surrounding areas of Iowa. Give us a call today at (515) 654-5447 to schedule this service!

We offer preventative treatments to keep armyworms from ever invading your lawn.

If armyworms infest your lawn, they can cause extensive damage to it. To prevent them from ever becoming a problem, we offer preventative treatments designed to prevent armyworms from ever infesting your lawn. When you sign up for this service, we will proactively treat your lawn with our preventative treatments, and they will drastically reduce the chances of armyworms infesting your lawn, so you won't have to worry about them feeding on your grass!

We offer curative armyworm control treatments.


Armyworm On Blade Of Grass


If you're currently dealing with an armyworm infestation, you'll want to schedule our curative armyworm control treatments right away! That's because these pests can cause severe damage to your turf, so the quicker we come out to treat them, the less damage they'll be able to do. When you schedule our curative treatments, we will come out to apply a highly effective pesticide across your property to eliminate the existing infestation so they can't continue to cause damage to your grass.

We also offer lawn care services to help your lawn recover from armyworm damage.

If you required our curative treatments to eliminate armyworms from your property, there is a good chance that they caused some damage to your grass before we eliminated them. Luckily, we offer several lawn care services that you can take advantage of that will help nurse your lawn back to full health including:

  • Lawn Fertilization: Fertilizer contains all the nutrients your lawn needs to recover from armyworm damage.
  • Aeration: This service is designed to loosen compacted soil so your lawn can access all of the nutrients and resources it will need to recover from armyworms.
  • Overseeding: Overseeding your lawn will fill in any bare spots caused by armyworm damage with new, healthy grass. It will also increase the density of your turf, making it much harder for pests like armyworms to damage your lawn again.
Our fertilizer treatments are packed with essential nutrients including nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Call today to schedule our armyworm control service!

Don't let armyworms destroy your beautiful lawn! At ETCH Outdoor Living, we offer our armyworm control service to protect your lawn from these invasive pests. With our experienced team on the case, you can rest easy knowing that we'll take care of the problem quickly and efficiently. We offer our armyworm control treatments to property owners in Ankeny, Johnston, Urbandale, West Des Moines, Waukee, and surrounding areas of Iowa. Call (515) 654-5447 today to schedule our armyworm control service!